@ Taco Tuesda Oct 24 Firsrt tabling


Promoting both the podcast and aquaculture certificate program leads visitors to confusing. Making look attractive our table to ather visitors. The way to deliver the information.e to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.


To gather visitors, it helps to collaborate with the event that already has a benefit for students. To clarify what the table for, make poster/flyer, brochure, and some other printing documents


Promoting two things at the same time is difficult and leads people to confusing. It requires at least one related something that mentions about it on each topic.

Design Print Materials

• Strategy

To begin with, clarify the purpose to make it. For the poster, let people know what it is about. For the brochure, inform the more detail information.

• Organize

To prepare for making posters, I organized the information and their preference from stakeholder interview.

• Facilitate

Reviews are important to determine how it works and information is clear.

• Design

Especially for posters, it is important to grab attentions. Carefully put relative graphics in it.


Reserch Insignts

• Why the blue economy is important to us

• Knowledge of possible career path


• Utilize the information when we interact with visitors

• Leverage the information when making print materials

Concept Development

Focus on visual approach

• Grab attention and provoke their curiosity

• Lead more people to the events

• Promote event


• Easy to understand

• Design possibility of consis tency with di erent series

• Promote podcast


• Tell the information

• Contribute to further information


Photozine / Graphic design, photography


"Apple sauce release party"/ Graphic design, Photography